Oslo, January 2, 2025
Reference is made to the announcement on March 22, 2024, regarding the successful placement of a new 5-year senior secured bond issuance of USD 350 million carrying a coupon of 9.75% with ISIN NO0013188102.
According to the bond terms, the Company shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the bonds are listed on Euronext Oslo Børs within twelve months of the issue of the bonds.
The Company has prepared a listing prospectus which was approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway on December 19, 2024 (the "Prospectus"). The Prospectus is available on our website: https://floatel.no/investors.
The Company is pleased to announce that trading in the bonds will commence today, January 2, 2025, under ticker FLOAT07.
For further information, please contact:
Tomas Hjelmstierna, CFO
Tel: +47 46 50 01 33; Mob: +47 934 00 381
Email: ir@floatel.no
Download FLOAT07 Securities Note (NO0013188102) here
Download FLOAT07 Registration Document (NO0013188102) here
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Floatel International Ltd was established in 2006 to satisfy market demand for a new generation of offshore flotels. The vision of the Company is to own and operate a modern, safe, and reliable flotel fleet. The Company has since 2021 its principal place of business in Norway.
The Floatel Group owns and operates four semisubmersible accommodation units; all were delivered within the period 2010 to 2016. Two units, Floatel Endurance and Floatel Superior, are approved to operate in the Norwegian sector, and the entire fleet is approved for the UK sector. A fifth unit, Floatel Reliance, is laid-up and is held for sale. The Group employs some 450 people internationally, including offshore personnel.
All flotels are equipped with a dynamic positioning system and are built according to the latest HSE requirements providing quality and comfort for the guests onboard. The accommodation capacity of the fleet ranges from 440 beds to 560 beds. All flotels are equipped with large deck areas, workshops, and crane support, able to assist complicated offshore hook-up projects and maintenance and modifications of existing offshore facilities.