This Statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It outlines actions taken by Floatel International Ltd and all its subsidiaries hereinafter referred to as "Floatel Group" or "the Group" to prevent Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Labour in its business and supply chains for the financial year ending 31 Dec 2024.
The Group conducts its operations ethically in terms of all business dealings and relationships. The Group prides itself on its reputation for acting fairly and honestly, wherever it operates. The Group's reputation is built on its core values (Compassion, Commitment and Cooperation), the values of its employees and its collective commitment to acting with integrity. No form of forced, compulsory or child labour is tolerated within the Group. The minimum employment age is the age of completion of compulsory school. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and agreements shall be respected in all Floatel Group operations.
The Group provide top quality offshore Floatels for extreme conditions on a global market and therefore we obtain a variety of goods and services from global suppliers. The aim is to establish and maintain a competitive, reliable and sustainable supply chain wherever we operate. We choose local sourcing when possible and reasonable. We shall always endeavour to ensure that all suppliers act in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
Our policy on Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Labour, as detailed in our Code of Conduct, reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity.
Our vessels are certified in accordance with the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 standards for conditions of employment. Including but not limited to; minimum age, medical certification, qualifications, employment agreements, use of manning agencies, hours of work and rest, manning levels, accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering, Health and safety and accident prevention, medical care, complaint procedures and wages .
Our recruitment procedures includes a screening process to confirm eligibility to work in order to protect against modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour.
Audits have been conducted to ensure and confirm standards of third party labour provider s. Marine Labour Convention accreditation document has been verified.
Our procedures for Supply Chain Management include evaluations of new subcontractors and suppliers. Audits have been made of subcontractors and suppliers with large impact on our performance.
All managers onshore and offshore have completed e-learning training in relation to the Company's Anti-Corruption Policy and Procedures.
The Board has overall responsibility for ensuring legal and ethical obligations relating to Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Labour are met. Floatel Group as a whole is committed to monitoring its policies and actions as outlined in this Statement.
2 January 2024