To achieve our commitment, we shall:
- Establish a zero accident and injury mind set.
- Provide a safe and healthy working environment and ensure equal rights for all employees, contractors and other personnel.
- Ensure that all operational hazards are identified and that risks are reduced to an acceptable level, based on the ALARP (As Low As Reasonable Practicable) principle.
- Ensure that adequate emergency response procedures are available.
- Ensure that procedures for security awareness and preparedness, incident prevention and threat response are in place.
- Ensure that sufficient resources are available to maintain our Management System and to continuously improve our performance.
- Ensure compliance with applicable legislation and highest industry standards and to acquire all relevant permits and certificates.
- Actively work to increase competence and awareness to achieve motivation towards health, safety and environment.
- Ensure that required inspections, reviews and audits are carried out.
- Ensure that information is easy to understand and that key operations are well described so that our personnel can feel comfortable with performing their tasks.
- Ensure that all changes are well planned and documented.
22 August 2023